Implant Pathway


Dr. Michelle Caldwell leads this 2-day, intensive course focused on extractions & grafting with PRF on LIVE patients. There’s no better way to learn than to practice under direct guidance from Dr. Caldwell and our team of mentors in a live patient, surgical setting.

Extractions & grafting often gets overlooked, but it’s a crucial foundation you need to set yourself up for successful implant placement in the future. We focus this course on making you proficient with these procedures by teaching you the tips and tricks to make this appointment go smoothly and efficiently in your office.


2024 DATES
SEPT 19-20, 2024


$4,995 / 16 CE CREDITS

  • Principles of Dental Extractions & Removing Teeth Atraumatically

  • Steps of Atraumatic Extractions

  • Extraction Tools for Success & Proper Use

  • Surgical High Speed Handpiece Techniques for Extractions

  • Piezo Cube Techniques for Extractions

  • Pain Medication Options & Antibiotics

  • Separation of Soft Tissues & Flap Design

  • Dental Extraction & Bone Grafting Complications

  • Principles for Successful Socket Grafting

  • Biologics Used for Ridge Preservation

  • Step by Step L-PRF Protocol

Course Review Highlight:

I can speak for the rest of our team in saying that we left feeling really good about what we learned and how to implement it. You did a wonderful job and look forward to coming back out to learn more. You made our time out there a lot of fun. I can say that I am glad I signed up.  Everyone that attends the Pathway should give this course a shot. Lots of great stuff going on...keep it up!


If you recently graduated from dental school, are a Pathway alumni, or are a veteran, contact us at to learn more.