35 online modules that you will complete before arriving at the Pathway.

Join us in Gilbert, AZ for a full week-long course focused on overdentures! Here's a breakdown of the week.

Monday-Tuesday: lecture and hands-on exercises geared towards all things involving overdentures including surgical and restorative

Wednesday-Thursday: live patient surgery where you will team up with a classmate and perform your surgeries with a mentor

Friday: restorative day, focusing on second-stage surgery, final impressions for an upper arch, and delivering an overdenture to a patient. This day is crucial to round out your learning on overdentures!

All Overdenture Fast Track Sessions are in Gilbert, AZ.


2024 DATES
OCT 7 - 11


$19,500 / 91 CE CREDITS


If you recently graduated from dental school, are a Pathway alumni, or are a veteran, contact us at info@implantpathway.com to learn more.