randy houska, dds

Hailing from Mitchell, SD, Dr. Houska is proud to provide world-class care to his local community. After earning a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology at the University of South Dakota, Dr. Randy received his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from the University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Dentistry in 1989. His post-graduate plans took him to Vermillion, where he’s been ever since. A true family man, Dr. Randy and his wife, Rita, have six children and several grandchildren. In 2009, his life took an unexpected turn when he and his family became reality stars, appearing on MTV’s #1 rated show, ‘Teen Mom 2'. Over the course of several seasons, he became known as “Chelsea’s dad,” a.k.a. “Papa Randy.” Fans of the show love his snarky, quick-witted attitude, and for being a truly supportive, loving father. He isn’t shy about his experience on the show and engages in speaking events to talk about what it was like being in the public eye for over a decade. Dr. Randy loves staying updated on state-of-the-art practices in dentistry and enjoying family time, boating, and coaching his daughters’ softball teams. When he needs to clear his head, you’ll find him cruising around town on his Harley Davidson. Dr. Houska and his wife are also avid Cornhusker and University of South Dakota Coyote fans and love to attend as many games as possible. Dr. Randy is actively involved with the community and has utilized his public image to promote his charitable deeds. Through his philanthropy, Dr. Randy works with women, especially single mothers, who have been victims of both mental and physical abuse.